Vocational Training :
BAPU imparts vocational training for employable skill development and capacity building of growing children. Children above 16 years of age, or those who clear their 10 board exam, qualify for vocational training. Choice of vocational training course for a child is made keeping in mind the child's interest and realistic assessment of his/her abilities by a career counsellor and staff members. A measured attempt is made to match the child's skill and ability with the training course he/she opts for. The BAPU team makes concerted efforts to enroll children in quality training courses in reputed institutes. 
Job Placement and Rehabilitation :
BAPU has conceptualized an effective job placement and rehabilitation programme for reintegration into mainstream society of children who have grown up. The programme not only has a definite goal to develop dreams and visions, but also looks at dream modification and correction. Often, children develop unrealistic expectations which may not correspond to the skill sets they possess. It is common to hear children say, 'I want to become an actor, or a film director, or a cricketer'. Though achievable, these aspirations require inherent talent that all children may not have; instead, they may have abilities to excel in other professions. To address this aspect, as soon as a child turns 16, staff members strike up a conversation with the child around his/her career, regular meetings with the career counsellors are organized and a rehabilitation plan is drawn up to prepare the child to step out of the protective auspices of residential centres. The implementation of rehabilitation plans includes interaction with the child steered by the career counsellor and the centre coordinator on a monthly basis. The focal points of these interactions are strengthening a child's resolve towards the career path he/she has chosen, and whether the rehabilitation steps are panning out as per the plan or not. Preparation for rehabilitation of a child may be fraught with challenges for him/her as children are sceptical and scared about leading an independent life outside the centre; they may also become angry and hostile or may distance themselves from the staff members. These negative emotions and insecurity of young boys and girls at the threshold of maturity are understandable, and staff members help them overcome these emotions by recurrent talks and assurances that the BAPU team would be a 'call away'. Role model interaction is another important aspect BAPU rehabilitation programme. Role models are young adults rehabilitated by BAPU, who have established themselves as successful professionals. 
 Supported by :
• Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development. (PBSSD), govt. of West Bengal.
Major Accomplishment :
• Children were mainstreamed to school.
• Family applied for scholarship programme.
• Parents initiated to send their children to school.