Our Background


Bhabna Association for People's Upliftment runs an Anti Human Trafficking Organization and destitute children since 2001 at Murshidabad, a remote District of West Bengal state in India. The journey of Bhabna Association for People's Upliftment is truly a fascinating one. The journey that started about 24 years back in 2001, through the emotional act of a local inhabitant, Sri Pratik Chowdhury,  I was Came to Murshidabad for a Research then noticed that this district is use like a Trafficker  Centre Hub. Then i start work against Child Trafficking with my small team after two years i decided to establsih Bhabna Association For Peoples Upliftment(BAPU) on 16th July 2001. It is a fascinating story of a great journey, initiated by one single person and his small team,      

Our Background

It was the dream of the organization to uplift the downtrodden irrespective of religion, caste and creed by providing them livelihood opportunity through Income Generation Program (IGP), Self Help Group (SHG) and Job skill training. The governing body members, employees and the volunteers has been giving the best of their effort in achieving the mile stone and goals set at the early inception. The district of Murshidabad is vulnerable to different issues like trafficking, smuggling, illiteracy, poor reproductive and child health and many more.  Our focus though is the women and other excluded group of the society. Trafficking, sexual exploitation and domestic violence are the evils which makes the girl child and the women the victim. We have been working in order to depreciate the sufferings of this group. We have always given priority to deliver services in the field of education (both vocational and traditional), health and human rights. BAPU ensures its presence where and when the women and the down trodden suffers and has got a zero tolerance in approach against violence against women. The organization identified natural resources and easily available stuff like jute and bamboo and is disseminating capacity building training to the group to make the women folk skilled in craftsmanship and entrepreneurship   to ensure their economic empowerment.
We are in the need of external aid to provide better education for the socially excluded that are not fortunate enough to further their studies though they have the potential to do so.
We believe “Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.”
"Henry Peter Brougham"