Secretary Desk


Social change is constant, continuous, unavoidable and inevitable. Social transformation is the result of positive actions to improve the environment in which marginalized and the vulnerable are provided with holistic assistance to destine to progress. BAPU is a change maker which assures the community with certain benefit of changes.

We have made changes in the children who were otherwise illiterate, dropped out from school, abused, exploited and denied of fundamental rights and transformed them under the light of education. They are now educated, skilled, independently employed and contributing to their families and the communities.
Women in Burkha/Pardha, dependent, restricted, vulnerable to be trafficked and are often subjected to domestic violence have been transformed to better informed, independent, self reliant and economically and socially empowered to stand against violence and trafficking incidents.
Men, who were marginalized, resource crunched, under employed, indebted have been provided with IGP training and skill development on craftsmanship on Jute and Bamboo based stuff and their potential were diversified to impart on them livelihood program and get them economically strengthened.
The operations of BAPU resulted in bringing about a holistic transformation in the community and in the realms of socio-economic development of poor, marginalized, segregated, discriminated and vulnerable section.
I therefore appreciate the contribution made by all members who govern, workers who produce a positive outcome, and the communities who help us serve them and ensure a change pertaining to all the services provided to depict a model. 
Thanking you in anticipation
Pratik Chowdhury